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Social Responsibility

Social responsibility of the Company is of comprehensive nature and is focused on establishing the most favorable conditions for efficient work activity of the personnel.

Overall, social responsibility of «Pipeline Coating and Technologies» Company involves:

production of sufficient quantity of goods, which quality would meet all mandatory rules and safety regulations;

adherence to all statutory business operations requirements;

respect of employees right for safe work activity providing specified social protection, including job creating;

promotion of professional development and upgrading of personnel skills;

environmental protection and saving nonrenewable resources;

supporting authority activity in developing the area where Company is located, and assistance to local social welfare institutions;

observance of generally accepted statutory regulations and ethical standards of business.

© 2014 «Pipeline Coating and Technologies» LLC
Volzhsky, avtodoroga 6 street, bldg 44
+7 (499) 705 18 58
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